Constellation of Dust

Constellation of Dust

Constellation of Dust is a series of works that presents a realm in which organic patterns and vanished portraits combine into a consolidation of materials. This series shows the scientific and somehow clinical fragility of each item found in space. It refers to the home for thousands of glimpses of life that were placed and live in this universe of particles; slowly getting washed away as time. Over the years, multiple generations of reproductions were found in this space, such as wooden boxes, leftovers of notes, journals, tins of multiple purposes, bottles and developer boxes. The main finding in this constellation was fragmented glass plates in the medium of photographic negatives that resisted and organically adapted to the ambient conditions in the microcosmos of the cellar in “W.W.Winters” in Derby.

W.W Winter is a Derby photographic institution, and widely regarded as the oldest working photography studio in the UK, if not the world, with elements of the company dating back to 1852. FORMAT23 commissioned me to create a new body of work responding to the W.W. Winter Archive.




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